Data Collection Assistance:

Data collection is very important tasks in your PhD research project. Good data collection involves collection relevant data that adds to the body of knowledge.The research methods that you will use to conduct the research determines manner of data collection. Various research methods exist so you should carefully identify the method that is most suitable to your topic and area of research.

Most PhD research involves empirical work. As such, you should be able to indicate how you will collect any relevant data. For example, you can mention about how you can access particular information sources (i.e. access to online databases, use of relevant archives, etc.).You should also mention the specific country or geographical region where the proposed research will take place and explain why this was chosen. It will also be helpful to include the unit of analysis for the research (i.e. whether you are looking at individuals, groups, companies, etc.) and provide justification for your choice. Moreover, you must explain the manner in which the data you collected will be able to address the research questions.

It is very important to pay special attention to the feasibility of data collection. You must ensure that data is available or can be collected through some means. You must balance the scope of your research vis-à-vis the practical problems that can arise during data gathering. Consider asking the following questions when writing about your data collection process:

  • Does your research call for special access to managers or organizations?
  • How many potential variables or factors are you required to address?
  • Can you examine all of the proposed variables or factors?
  • For primary research data (i.e. fieldwork, surveys, interviews, etc.), how are you going to finance your data gathering?

Your research methods may include the collection of data, which can be interpreted to address your research questions or increase knowledge about your research topic. You can collect this information in various ways. Different collection methods require different types of management.

In research, there are two basic types of data, which determines the type of analysis used:

Primary Research Data

  • Primary data is data that has been collected from first-hand experience. It had not been published yet. It is more reliable, authentic and objective. It has not been changed or altered; therefore, its validity is greater than secondary data.
  • Some examples are experiments, participant observation, survey data analysis, case-study analysis, historical records analysis, econometric modeling, etc.

Secondary Research Data

  • This is data collected from a source that has already been published. Examples of secondary data sources are books, journals, periodicals, papers, etc. The review of literature can also be considered as a form of secondary data.
  • Secondary data may have some issues with validity but it is still an important data source. In cases where it is difficult to obtain primary data, getting information secondary sources is an alternative method.


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